For Medical Minds
Practice Planning Strategies
Goal Planning: We begin with your aspirations and work backward to create a growth planning strategy that fits your unique needs.
Pre-Sale Planning: When you’re ready to sell, we have a dynamic network of CPAs and attorneys who will guide you every step of the way.
Exit Strategies: Liquidity events require careful planning and due diligence. We are meticulous with our exit strategies and succession planning, striving to earn our partners the best possible outcomes.
Legacy Planning Strategies
Bespoke legacy planning: Consider the future—what do you want to leave for your family and the world after you pass? Together, we’ll build a legacy you can be proud of.
Estate Tax Planning: How much of your estate will wind up with Uncle Sam? Navigating estate taxes means maximizing your contributions to your family and charitable donations while minimizing your IRS contributions.
Cash Flow Strategies
Paycheck Optimization: Set yourself up for consistent cash flow, even in a market downturn or a sub-optimal interest rate cycle.
Innovations Strategies: Explore private equity deals for exponential growth potential.
Alternative Investments: Diversify your income stream to mitigate risk by investing in hedge funds, pre-IPOs, real estate, and other alternative investments.
Top 12 Reasons for Business Valuation
98% of business owners don’t know their value. You can’t grow your value and optimize it without knowing where you are today.
Better to understand Your Business and its potential.
Know the value of one of your most important assets.
Protect your family and your practice.
Create a Succession Plan.
Pay the right amount when you Buy a practice.
Get what it is worth at Sale.
Create Buy/Sell Agreements with business partners.
Explore Funding Opportunities.
Establish a Trust or create an Estate Plan.
Prepare for Taxable Events such as gifting or grants.
82% of all businesses owners that knew their value at least 18 months before their sale, increased their sale price by at least 14%